Quick Start

We first download the example.bgen, haplotypes.bgen, and complex.bgen files:

>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath
>>> filepath = {}
>>> filepath["example.bgen"] = example_filepath("example.bgen")
>>> filepath["haplotypes.bgen"] = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> filepath["complex.bgen"] = example_filepath("complex.bgen")

The above-mentioned files are read by this software in the same way but they present different levels of genotype complexity. The variant loci of the genotype stored in example.bgen have the same ploidy equal to two and are all unphased. The haplotypes.bgen file stores a phased, diploid genotype. Both genotypes stored in example.bgen and haplotypes.bgen have the same number of alleles for each loci. The complex.bgen file, on the other hand, have different ploidy levels and number of alleles across different variant loci.

Unphased genotype

With unphased genotype we don’t have the information about which chromosome holds a given allele. Let’s read the example.bgen file and print out some information.

>>> from bgen_reader import read_bgen
>>> bgen = read_bgen(filepath["example.bgen"], verbose=False)
>>> # Variants metadata.
>>> print(bgen["variants"].head())
        id    rsid chrom   pos  nalleles allele_ids  vaddr
0  SNPID_2  RSID_2    01  2000         2        A,G   6069
1  SNPID_3  RSID_3    01  3000         2        A,G   9635
2  SNPID_4  RSID_4    01  4000         2        A,G  12956
3  SNPID_5  RSID_5    01  5000         2        A,G  16034
4  SNPID_6  RSID_6    01  6000         2        A,G  19377
>>> # Samples read from the bgen file.
>>> print(bgen["samples"].head())
0    sample_001
1    sample_002
2    sample_003
3    sample_004
4    sample_005
Name: id, dtype: object
>>> # There are 199 variants in total.
>>> print(len(bgen["genotype"]))
>>> # This library avoid as much as possible accessing the bgen file for performance
>>> # and memory reasons. The `compute` function actually tells the library to
>>> # access the file to retrieve some data.
>>> geno = bgen["genotype"][0].compute()
>>> print(geno.keys())
dict_keys(['probs', 'phased', 'ploidy', 'missing'])
>>> # Let's have a look at the probabilities regarding the first variant.
>>> print(geno["probs"])
[[       nan        nan        nan]
 [0.02780236 0.00863674 0.9635609 ]
 [0.01736504 0.04968414 0.93295083]
 [0.01419069 0.02810669 0.95770262]
 [0.91949463 0.05206298 0.02844239]
 [0.00244141 0.98410029 0.0134583 ]]
>>> # The above matrix is of size samples-by-(combination-of-alleles).
>>> print(geno["probs"].shape)
(500, 3)

The columns dimension of the probability matrix of a given variant depend on the number of alleles, the ploidy, and whether the locus is phased or unphased. Please, refer to bgen specification⧉ for a detailed description.

Phased genotype

>>> bgen = read_bgen(filepath["haplotypes.bgen"], verbose=False)
>>> print(bgen["variants"].head(4))
     id rsid chrom  pos  nalleles allele_ids  vaddr
0  SNP1  RS1     1    1         2        A,G    102
1  SNP2  RS2     1    2         2        A,G    159
2  SNP3  RS3     1    3         2        A,G    216
3  SNP4  RS4     1    4         2        A,G    273
>>> print(bgen["samples"].head())
 0    sample_0
 1    sample_1
 2    sample_2
 3    sample_3
 Name: id, dtype: object
>>> # Print the estimated probabilities for the first variant
>>> # and second individual.
>>> geno = bgen["genotype"][0].compute()
>>> print(geno["probs"][1])
[0. 1. 1. 0.]
>>> # Is it a phased one?
>>> print(geno["phased"])
>>> # How many haplotypes for each sample?
>>> print(geno["ploidy"])
[2 2 2 2]
>>> # And how many alleles?
>>> variant = bgen["variants"].compute()
>>> print(variant.loc[0, "nalleles"])
>>> # Therefore, the first haplotype has probability 100%
>>> # of having the allele
>>> alleles = variant.loc[0, "allele_ids"].split(",")
>>> print(alleles[1])
>>> # And the second haplotype has probability 100% of having
>>> # the first allele
>>> print(alleles[0])

Please, refer to bgen specification⧉ for a detailed description.

Complex file

The bgen file format allows the storage of very heterogeneous genetic data. In the complex.bgen file we have variants with different ploidy and number of alleles, as well as phasedness.

>>> bgen = read_bgen(filepath["complex.bgen"], verbose=False)
>>> # Note how the number of alleles very widely across loci.
>>> print(bgen["variants"].compute())
      id rsid chrom  pos  nalleles                            allele_ids  vaddr
0          V1    01    1         2                                   A,G     98
1   V2.1   V2    01    2         2                                   A,G    175
2          V3    01    3         2                                   A,G    232
3          M4    01    4         3                                 A,G,T    305
..   ...  ...   ...  ...       ...                                   ...    ...
6          M7    01    7         6                 A,G,GT,GTT,GTTT,GTTTT    557
7          M8    01    8         7          A,G,GT,GTT,GTTT,GTTTT,GTTTTT    663
8          M9    01    9         8  A,G,GT,GTT,GTTT,GTTTT,GTTTTT,GTTTTTT    783
9         M10    01   10         2                                   A,G    863

[10 rows x 7 columns]
>>> print(bgen["samples"])
0    sample_0
1    sample_1
2    sample_2
3    sample_3
Name: id, dtype: object
>>> # Print the estimated probabilities for the first variant
>>> # and second individual.
>>> geno = bgen["genotype"][0].compute()
>>> print(geno["probs"][1])
[1. 0. 0.]
>>> # The 9th variant for the 4th individual has ploidy
>>> geno = bgen["genotype"][8].compute()
>>> ploidy = geno["ploidy"][3]
>>> print(ploidy)
>>> # and number of alleles equal to
>>> nalleles = bgen["variants"].loc[8, "nalleles"].compute().values[0]
>>> print(nalleles)
>>> # Its probability distribution is given by the array
>>> p = geno["probs"][3]
>>> print(p)
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
>>> # Since the 9th variant for the 4th individual is unphased,
>>> print(geno["phased"])
>>> # we can pick an alternative allele and compute the dosage
>>> # from allele expectation.
>>> # If we select the third allele as being the alternative one, we have
>>> from bgen_reader import allele_expectation, compute_dosage
>>> e = allele_expectation(bgen, 8)
>>> print(compute_dosage(e, 2))
[0. 0. 0. 1.]

Please, refer to Dosage section for further details.