open_bgen(filepath[, samples_filepath, ...])

A NumPy-inspired class for fast opening and reading of BGEN files.

open_bgen.allele_expectation([index, ...])

Allele expectation.


Allele expectation frequency.


The comma-delimited list of alleles for each variant (a numpy.ndarray of str).


The chromosome of each variant (a numpy.ndarray of str).


The variant identifiers (a numpy.ndarray of str).


The maximum number of values in any variant's probability distribution (int).


The number of alleles for each variant (a numpy.ndarray of int).


The number of values needed for each variant's probability distribution (a numpy.ndarray of int).


The number of samples in the data (int).


The number of variants in the data (int).


For each variant, True if and only the variant is phased (a numpy.ndarray of bool).


The genetic position of each variant (a numpy.ndarray of int).

open_bgen.read([index, dtype, order, ...])

Read genotype information from an open_bgen object.


The variant RS numbers (a numpy.ndarray of str).


The sample identifiers (a numpy.ndarray of str).


The tuple (nsamples, nvariants, max_combinations).

class bgen_reader._bgen2.open_bgen(filepath: str | Path, samples_filepath: str | Path | None = None, metadata_filepath: str | Path | None = None, allow_complex: bool = False, verbose: bool = True)[source]

A NumPy-inspired class for fast opening and reading of BGEN files.

  • filepath – BGEN file path.

  • samples_filepath – Path to a sample format file or None to read samples from the BGEN file itself. Defaults to None.

  • metadata_filepath – Tells where to be put the constructed metadata file. By default, will use the same directory and name as the BGEN file, but with extension .metadata2.mmm. Use this option, for example, when the BGEN file’s directory is read-only.

  • allow_complexFalse (default) to assume homogeneous data; True to allow complex data. The BGEN format allows every variant to vary in its phaseness, its allele count, and its maximum ploidy. For files where these values may actually vary, set allow_complex to True.

  • verboseTrue (default) to show progress; False otherwise.


an open_bgen object

Return type:


The first time a file is opened , open_bgen creates a .metadata2.mmm file, a process that takes seconds to hours, depending on the size of the file and the allow_complex setting. Subsequent openings take just a fraction of a second. Changing samples_filepath or allow_complex results in a new default .metadata2.mmm with a slightly different name.


With the with statement, list samples and variant ids, then read() the whole file.

>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.ids)
...     print(bgen.samples)
...     print(bgen.read())
['SNP1' 'SNP2' 'SNP3' 'SNP4']
['sample_0' 'sample_1' 'sample_2' 'sample_3']
[[[1. 0. 1. 0.]
  [0. 1. 1. 0.]
  [1. 0. 0. 1.]
  [0. 1. 0. 1.]]

 [[0. 1. 1. 0.]
  [1. 0. 0. 1.]
  [0. 1. 0. 1.]
  [1. 0. 1. 0.]]

 [[1. 0. 0. 1.]
  [0. 1. 0. 1.]
  [1. 0. 1. 0.]
  [0. 1. 1. 0.]]

 [[0. 1. 0. 1.]
  [1. 0. 1. 0.]
  [0. 1. 1. 0.]
  [1. 0. 0. 1.]]]

Open the file (without with) and read probabilities for one variant.

>>> bgen = open_bgen(file, verbose=False)
>>> print(bgen.read(2))
[[[1. 0. 0. 1.]]

 [[0. 1. 0. 1.]]

 [[1. 0. 1. 0.]]

 [[0. 1. 1. 0.]]]
>>> del bgen                 # close and delete object

Open the file and then first read for a slice of samples and variants, and then for a single sample and variant.

>>> bgen = open_bgen(file, verbose=False)
>>> print(bgen.read((slice(1,3),slice(2,4))))
[[[0. 1. 0. 1.]
  [1. 0. 1. 0.]]

 [[1. 0. 1. 0.]
  [0. 1. 1. 0.]]]
>>> print(bgen.read((0,1)))
[[[0. 1. 1. 0.]]]
>>> del bgen                 # close and delete object
allele_expectation(index: Any | None = None, assume_constant_ploidy: bool = True) ndarray | Tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

Allele expectation.

  • index – An expression specifying the samples and variants of interest. (See Examples in read() for details.) Defaults to None, meaning compute for all samples and variants.

  • assume_constant_ploidy (bool) – When ploidy count can be assumed to be constant, calculations are much faster. Defaults to True.


always in this order

  • Samples-by-variants-by-alleles matrix of allele expectations,

  • Samples-by-variants-by-alleles matrix of frequencies, if return_frequencies is True

Return type:

one or two numpy.ndarray


This method supports unphased genotypes only.


>>> from bgen_reader import allele_expectation, example_filepath, read_bgen
>>> from texttable import Texttable
>>> filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen")
>>> # Read the example.
>>> bgen = open_bgen(filepath, verbose=False)
>>> sample_index = bgen.samples=="sample_005" # will be only 1 sample
>>> variant_index = bgen.rsids=="RSID_6"      # will be only 1 variant
>>> p = bgen.read((sample_index,variant_index))
>>> # Allele expectation makes sense for unphased genotypes only,
>>> # which is the case here.
>>> e = bgen.allele_expectation((sample_index,variant_index))
>>> alleles_per_variant = [allele_ids.split(',') for allele_ids in bgen.allele_ids[variant_index]]
>>> # Print what we have got in a nice format.
>>> table = Texttable()
>>> table = table.add_rows(
...     [
...         ["", "AA", "AG", "GG", "E[.]"],
...         ["p"] + list(p[0,0,:]) + ["na"],
...         ["#" + alleles_per_variant[0][0], 2, 1, 0, e[0,0,0]],
...         ["#" + alleles_per_variant[0][1], 0, 1, 2, e[0,0,1]],
...     ]
... )
>>> print(table.draw())
|    |  AA   |  AG   |  GG   | E[.]  |
| p  | 0.012 | 0.987 | 0.001 | na    |
| #A | 2     | 1     | 0     | 1.011 |
| #G | 0     | 1     | 2     | 0.989 |

If return_frequencies is true, this method will also return the allele frequency.

>>> from bgen_reader import open_bgen, example_filepath
>>> filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen")
>>> bgen = open_bgen(filepath, verbose=False)
>>> variant_index = (bgen.rsids=="RSID_6")      # will be only 1 variant
>>> e = bgen.allele_expectation(variant_index)
>>> f = bgen.allele_frequency(e)
>>> alleles_per_variant = [allele_ids.split(',') for allele_ids in bgen.allele_ids[variant_index]]
>>> print(alleles_per_variant[0][0] + ": {}".format(f[0,0]))
A: 229.23103218810434
>>> print(alleles_per_variant[0][1] + ": {}".format(f[0,1]))
G: 270.7689678118956
>>> print(bgen.ids[variant_index][0],bgen.rsids[variant_index][0])

To find dosage, just select the column of interest from the expectation.

>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen")
>>> # Read the example.
>>> bgen = open_bgen(filepath, verbose=False)
>>> # Extract the allele expectations of the fourth variant.
>>> variant_index = 3
>>> e = bgen.allele_expectation(variant_index)
>>> # Compute the dosage when considering the allele
>>> # in position 1 as the reference/alternative one.
>>> alt_allele_index = 1
>>> dosage = e[...,1]
>>> # Print the dosage for only the first five samples
>>> # and the one (and only) variant
>>> print(dosage[:5,0])
[1.96185308 0.00982666 0.01745552 1.00347899 1.01153563]
>>> del bgen
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from bgen_reader import open_bgen
>>> filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen")
>>> bgen = open_bgen(filepath, verbose=False)
>>> variant_index = [3]
>>> # Print the metadata of the fourth variant.
>>> print(bgen.ids[variant_index],bgen.rsids[variant_index])
['SNPID_5'] ['RSID_5']
>>> probs, missing, ploidy = bgen.read(variant_index,return_missings=True,return_ploidies=True)
>>> print(np.unique(missing),np.unique(ploidy))
[False] [2]
>>> df1 = pd.DataFrame({'sample':bgen.samples,'0':probs[:,0,0],'1':probs[:,0,1],'2':probs[:,0,2]})
>>> print(df1) 
            sample        0        1        2
0    sample_001  0.00488  0.02838  0.96674
1    sample_002  0.99045  0.00928  0.00027
2    sample_003  0.98932  0.00391  0.00677
3    sample_004  0.00662  0.98328  0.01010
..          ...      ...      ...      ...
496  sample_497  0.00137  0.01312  0.98550
497  sample_498  0.00552  0.99423  0.00024
498  sample_499  0.01266  0.01154  0.97580
499  sample_500  0.00021  0.98431  0.01547

[500 rows x 4 columns]
>>> alleles_per_variant = [allele_ids.split(',') for allele_ids in bgen.allele_ids[variant_index]]
>>> e = bgen.allele_expectation(variant_index)
>>> f = bgen.allele_frequency(e)
>>> df2 = pd.DataFrame({'sample':bgen.samples,alleles_per_variant[0][0]:e[:,0,0],alleles_per_variant[0][1]:e[:,0,1]})
>>> print(df2)  
            sample        A        G
0    sample_001  0.03815  1.96185
1    sample_002  1.99017  0.00983
2    sample_003  1.98254  0.01746
3    sample_004  0.99652  1.00348
..          ...      ...      ...
496  sample_497  0.01587  1.98413
497  sample_498  1.00528  0.99472
498  sample_499  0.03687  1.96313
499  sample_500  0.98474  1.01526

[500 rows x 3 columns]
>>> df3 = pd.DataFrame({'allele':alleles_per_variant[0],bgen.rsids[variant_index][0]:f[0,:]})
>>> print(df3)
  allele    RSID_5
0      A 305.97218
1      G 194.02782
>>> alt_index = f[0,:].argmin()
>>> alt = alleles_per_variant[0][alt_index]
>>> dosage = e[:,0,alt_index]
>>> df4 = pd.DataFrame({'sample':bgen.samples,f"alt={alt}":dosage})
>>> # Dosages when considering G as the alternative allele.
>>> print(df4) 
         sample    alt=G
0    sample_001  1.96185
1    sample_002  0.00983
2    sample_003  0.01746
3    sample_004  1.00348
..          ...      ...
496  sample_497  1.98413
497  sample_498  0.99472
498  sample_499  1.96313
499  sample_500  1.01526

[500 rows x 2 columns]
static allele_frequency(allele_expectation: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Allele expectation frequency.

You have to provide the allele expectations, allele_expectation().

property allele_ids: List[str]

The comma-delimited list of alleles for each variant (a numpy.ndarray of str).


To access after file closes, make a copy.


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.allele_ids)
['A,G' 'A,G' 'A,G' 'A,G']

>>> # To access after file closes, make a copy
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     allele_ids = bgen.allele_ids.copy()
>>> print(allele_ids)
['A,G' 'A,G' 'A,G' 'A,G']
property chromosomes: List[str]

The chromosome of each variant (a numpy.ndarray of str).


To access after file closes, make a copy.


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.chromosomes)
['1' '1' '1' '1']

>>> # To access after file closes, make a copy
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     chromosomes = bgen.chromosomes.copy()
>>> print(chromosomes)
['1' '1' '1' '1']

Close a open_bgen object that was opened for reading.


Better alternatives to close() include the with statement (closes the file automatically) and the del statement (which closes the file and deletes the object). Doing nothing, while not better, is usually fine.

>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> bgen = open_bgen(file, verbose=False)
>>> print(bgen.read(2))
[[[1. 0. 0. 1.]]

 [[0. 1. 0. 1.]]

 [[1. 0. 1. 0.]]

 [[0. 1. 1. 0.]]]
>>> bgen.close()     #'del bgen' is better.
property ids: List[str]

The variant identifiers (a numpy.ndarray of str).


To access after file closes, make a copy.


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.ids)
['SNP1' 'SNP2' 'SNP3' 'SNP4']

>>> # To access after file closes, make a copy
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     ids = bgen.ids.copy()
>>> print(ids)
['SNP1' 'SNP2' 'SNP3' 'SNP4']
property max_combinations: int

The maximum number of values in any variant’s probability distribution (int).

For unphased, diploidy, biallelic data, it will be 3. For phased, diploidy, biallelic data it will be 4. In general, it is the maximum value in ncombinations.


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.max_combinations)
property nalleles: List[int]

The number of alleles for each variant (a numpy.ndarray of int).


To access after file closes, make a copy.


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.nalleles)
[2 2 2 2]

>>> # To access after file closes, make a copy
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     nalleles = bgen.nalleles.copy()
>>> print(nalleles)
[2 2 2 2]
property ncombinations: List[int]

The number of values needed for each variant’s probability distribution (a numpy.ndarray of int).


To access after file closes, make a copy.


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.ncombinations)
[4 4 4 4]

>>> # To access after file closes, make a copy
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     ncombinations = bgen.ncombinations.copy()
>>> print(ncombinations)
[4 4 4 4]
property nsamples: int

The number of samples in the data (int).


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.nsamples)
property nvariants: int

The number of variants in the data (int).


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.nvariants)
property phased: List[bool]

For each variant, True if and only the variant is phased (a numpy.ndarray of bool).


To access after file closes, make a copy.


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.phased)
[ True  True  True  True]

>>> # To access after file closes, make a copy
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     phased = bgen.phased.copy()
>>> print(phased)
[ True  True  True  True]
property positions: List[int]

The genetic position of each variant (a numpy.ndarray of int).


To access after file closes, make a copy.


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.positions)
[1 2 3 4]

>>> # To access after file closes, make a copy
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     positions = bgen.positions.copy()
>>> print(positions)
[1 2 3 4]
read(index: ~typing.Any | None = None, dtype: type | str | None = <class 'numpy.float64'>, order: str | None = 'F', max_combinations: int | None = None, return_probabilities: bool | None = True, return_missings: bool | None = False, return_ploidies: bool | None = False, num_threads: int | None = None) None | ndarray | Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] | Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray][source]

Read genotype information from an open_bgen object.

  • index – An expression specifying the samples and variants to read. (See Examples, below). Defaults to None, meaning read all.

  • dtype (data-type) – The desired data-type for the returned probability array. Defaults to numpy.float64. Use numpy.float32 or numpy.float16, when appropriate, to save 50% or 75% of memory. (See Notes, below).

  • order ({'F','C'}) – The desired memory layout for the returned probability array. Defaults to F (Fortran order, which is variant-major).

  • max_combinations (int or None.) – The number of values to allocate for each probability distribution. Defaults to a number just large enough for any data in the file. For unphased, diploid, biallelic data, it will default to 3. For phased, diploid, biallelic data, it will default to 4. Any overallocated space is filled with numpy.nan.

  • return_probabilities (bool) – Read and return the probabilities for samples and variants specified. Defaults to True.

  • return_missings (bool) – Return a boolean array telling which probabilities are missing. Defaults to False.

  • return_ploidies (bool) – Read and return the ploidy for the samples and variants specified. Defaults to False.

  • num_threads (bool) – The number of threads with which to read data. Defaults to all available processors or the number of variants being read, whichever is less. Can also be set with the ‘MKL_NUM_THREADS’ environment variable.


always in this order:

  • a numpy.ndarray of probabilities with dtype and shape (nsamples_out,nvariants_out,max_combinations), if return_probabilities is True (the default). Missing data is filled with numpy.nan.

  • a numpy.ndarray of bool of shape (nsamples_out,nvariants_out), if return_missings is True

  • a numpy.ndarray of int of shape (nsamples_out,nvariants_out), if return_ploidies is True

Return type:

zero to three numpy.ndarray


  • About dtype

    If you know the compression level of your BGEN file, you can sometimes save 50% or 75% on memory with dtype. (Test with your data to confirm you are not losing any precision.) The approximate relationship is:

    • BGEN compression 1 to 10 bits: dtype =’float16’

    • BGEN compression 11 to 23 bits: dtype =’float32’

    • BGEN compression 24 to 32 bits: dtype =’float64’ (default)


  • Index Examples

    To read all data in a BGEN file, set index to None. This is the default.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
    >>> with open_bgen(example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen"), verbose=False) as bgen_h:
    ...     print(bgen_h.read()) #real all
    [[[1. 0. 1. 0.]
      [0. 1. 1. 0.]
      [1. 0. 0. 1.]
      [0. 1. 0. 1.]]
     [[0. 1. 1. 0.]
      [1. 0. 0. 1.]
      [0. 1. 0. 1.]
      [1. 0. 1. 0.]]
     [[1. 0. 0. 1.]
      [0. 1. 0. 1.]
      [1. 0. 1. 0.]
      [0. 1. 1. 0.]]
     [[0. 1. 0. 1.]
      [1. 0. 1. 0.]
      [0. 1. 1. 0.]
      [1. 0. 0. 1.]]]

    To read selected variants, set index to an int, a list of int, a slice, or a list of bool. Negative integers count from the end of the data.

    >>> bgen_e = open_bgen(example_filepath("example.bgen"), verbose=False)
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read(5)  # read the variant indexed by 5.
    >>> print(probs.shape)      # print the dimensions of the returned numpy array.
    (500, 1, 3)
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read([5,6,1])  # read the variant indexed by 5, 6, and 1
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (500, 3, 3)
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read(slice(5)) #read the first 5 variants
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (500, 5, 3)
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read(slice(2,5)) #read variants from 2 (inclusive) to 5 (exclusive)
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (500, 3, 3)
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read(slice(2,None)) # read variants starting at index 2.
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (500, 197, 3)
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read(slice(None,None,10)) #read every 10th variant
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (500, 20, 3)
    >>> print(np.unique(bgen_e.chromosomes)) # print unique chrom values
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read(bgen_e.chromosomes=='01') # read all variants in chrom 1
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (500, 199, 3)
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read(-1) # read the last variant
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (500, 1, 3)

    To read selected samples, set index to a tuple of the form (sample_index,None), where sample index follows the form of variant index, above.

    >>> probs = bgen_e.read((0,None)) # Read 1st sample (across all variants)
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (1, 199, 3)
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read((slice(None,None,10),None)) # Read every 10th sample
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (50, 199, 3)

    To read selected samples and selected variants, set index to a tuple of the form (sample_index,variant_index), where sample_index and variant_index follow the forms above.

    >>> # Read samples 10 (inclusive) to 20 (exclusive) and the first 15 variants.
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read((slice(10,20),slice(15)))
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (10, 15, 3)
    >>> #read last and 2nd-to-last sample and the last variant
    >>> probs = bgen_e.read(([-1,-2],-1))
    >>> print(probs.shape)
    (2, 1, 3)
  • Multiple Return Example

    Read probabilities, missingness, and ploidy. Print all unique ploidies values.

    >>> probs,missing,ploidy = bgen_e.read(return_missings=True,return_ploidies=True)
    >>> print(np.unique(ploidy))
property rsids: List[str]

The variant RS numbers (a numpy.ndarray of str).


To access after file closes, make a copy.


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.rsids)
['RS1' 'RS2' 'RS3' 'RS4']

>>> # To access after file closes, make a copy
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     rsids = bgen.rsids.copy()
>>> print(rsids)
['RS1' 'RS2' 'RS3' 'RS4']
property samples: List[str]

The sample identifiers (a numpy.ndarray of str).


To access after file closes, make a copy.


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.samples)
['sample_0' 'sample_1' 'sample_2' 'sample_3']

>>> # To access after file closes, make a copy
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     samples = bgen.samples.copy()
>>> print(samples)
['sample_0' 'sample_1' 'sample_2' 'sample_3']
property shape: Tuple[int, int, int]

The tuple (nsamples, nvariants, max_combinations).


>>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, open_bgen
>>> file = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen")
>>> with open_bgen(file, verbose=False) as bgen:
...     print(bgen.shape)
(4, 4, 4)