Source code for bgen_reader._dosage

from numpy import asarray, stack

from ._helper import genotypes_to_allele_counts, get_genotypes

[docs]def allele_frequency(expec): r"""Compute allele frequency from its expectation. Parameters ---------- expec : array_like Allele expectations encoded as a samples-by-alleles matrix. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Allele frequencies encoded as a variants-by-alleles matrix. Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> from bgen_reader import read_bgen, example_filepath >>> from bgen_reader import allele_expectation, allele_frequency >>> >>> filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen") >>> >>> bgen = read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False) >>> >>> variants = bgen["variants"] >>> samples = bgen["samples"] >>> genotype = bgen["genotype"] >>> >>> variant = variants[variants["rsid"] == "RSID_6"].compute() >>> variant_idx = variant.index.values[0] >>> >>> p = genotype[variant_idx].compute()["probs"] >>> # For unphased genotypes only. >>> e = allele_expectation(bgen, variant_idx) >>> f = allele_frequency(e) >>> >>> alleles = variant["allele_ids"].values[0].split(",") >>> print(alleles[0] + ": {}".format(f[0])) A: 229.23103218810434 >>> print(alleles[1] + ": {}".format(f[1])) G: 270.7689678118956 >>> print(variant) id rsid chrom pos nalleles allele_ids vaddr 4 SNPID_6 RSID_6 01 6000 2 A,G 19377 """ expec = asarray(expec, float) if expec.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Expectation matrix must be bi-dimensional.") nallele0 = expec.shape[-1] return expec.sum(-2) / nallele0
[docs]def compute_dosage(expec, alt=None): r"""Compute dosage from allele expectation. Parameters ---------- expec : array_like Allele expectations encoded as a samples-by-alleles matrix. alt : array_like, optional Alternative allele index. If ``None``, the allele having the minor allele frequency for the provided ``expec`` is used as the alternative. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Dosage encoded as an array of size equal to the number of samples. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python :caption: First a quick-start example. >>> from bgen_reader import allele_expectation, compute_dosage >>> from bgen_reader import example_filepath, read_bgen >>> >>> filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen") >>> >>> # Read the example. >>> bgen = read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False) >>> >>> # Extract the allele expectations of the fourth variant. >>> variant_idx = 3 >>> e = allele_expectation(bgen, variant_idx) >>> >>> # Compute the dosage when considering the first allele >>> # as the reference/alternative one. >>> alt_allele_idx = 1 >>> d = compute_dosage(e, alt=alt_allele_idx) >>> >>> # Print the dosage of the first five samples only. >>> print(d[:5]) [1.96185308 0.00982666 0.01745552 1.00347899 1.01153563] .. code-block:: python :caption: Genotype probabilities, allele expectations and frequencies. >>> from bgen_reader import ( ... allele_expectation, ... allele_frequency, ... compute_dosage, ... example_filepath, ... read_bgen, ... ) >>> from pandas import DataFrame >>> from xarray import DataArray >>> >>> # Download an example >>> filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen") >>> >>> # Open the bgen file. >>> bgen = read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False) >>> variants = bgen["variants"] >>> genotype = bgen["genotype"] >>> samples = bgen["samples"] >>> >>> variant_idx = 3 >>> variant = variants.loc[variant_idx].compute() >>> # Print the metadata of the fourth variant. >>> print(variant) id rsid chrom pos nalleles allele_ids vaddr 3 SNPID_5 RSID_5 01 5000 2 A,G 16034 >>> geno = bgen["genotype"][variant_idx].compute() >>> metageno = DataFrame({k: geno[k] for k in ["ploidy", "missing"]}, ... index=samples) >>> = "sample" >>> print(metageno) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ploidy missing sample sample_001 2 False sample_002 2 False sample_003 2 False sample_004 2 False ... ... ... sample_497 2 False sample_498 2 False sample_499 2 False sample_500 2 False <BLANKLINE> [500 rows x 2 columns] >>> p = DataArray( ... geno["probs"], ... name="probability", ... coords={"sample": samples}, ... dims=["sample", "genotype"], ... ) >>> # Print the genotype probabilities. >>> print(p.to_series().unstack(level=-1)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE genotype 0 1 2 sample sample_001 0.00488 0.02838 0.96674 sample_002 0.99045 0.00928 0.00027 sample_003 0.98932 0.00391 0.00677 sample_004 0.00662 0.98328 0.01010 ... ... ... ... sample_497 0.00137 0.01312 0.98550 sample_498 0.00552 0.99423 0.00024 sample_499 0.01266 0.01154 0.97580 sample_500 0.00021 0.98431 0.01547 <BLANKLINE> [500 rows x 3 columns] >>> alleles = variant["allele_ids"].values[0].split(",") >>> e = DataArray( ... allele_expectation(bgen, variant_idx), ... name="expectation", ... coords={"sample": samples, "allele": alleles}, ... dims=["sample", "allele"], ... ) >>> # Print the allele expectations. >>> print(e.to_series().unstack(level=-1)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE allele A G sample sample_001 0.03815 1.96185 sample_002 1.99017 0.00983 sample_003 1.98254 0.01746 sample_004 0.99652 1.00348 ... ... ... sample_497 0.01587 1.98413 sample_498 1.00528 0.99472 sample_499 0.03687 1.96313 sample_500 0.98474 1.01526 <BLANKLINE> [500 rows x 2 columns] >>> rsid = variant["rsid"].values[0] >>> chrom = variant["chrom"].values[0] >>> variant_name = f"{chrom}:{rsid}" >>> f = DataFrame(allele_frequency(e), columns=[variant_name], index=alleles) >>> = "allele" >>> # Allele frequencies. >>> print(f) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 01:RSID_5 allele A 305.97218 G 194.02782 >>> alt = f.idxmin().values[0] >>> alt_idx = alleles.index(alt) >>> d = compute_dosage(e, alt=alt_idx).to_series() >>> d = DataFrame(d.values, columns=[f"alt={alt}"], index=d.index) >>> # Dosages when considering G as the alternative allele. >>> print(d) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE alt=G sample sample_001 1.96185 sample_002 0.00983 sample_003 0.01746 sample_004 1.00348 ... ... sample_497 1.98413 sample_498 0.99472 sample_499 1.96313 sample_500 1.01526 <BLANKLINE> [500 rows x 1 columns] """ if alt is None: return expec[..., -1] try: return expec[:, alt] except NotImplementedError: alt = asarray(alt, int) return asarray(expec, float)[:, alt]
[docs]def allele_expectation(bgen, variant_idx): r"""Allele expectation. Compute the expectation of each allele from the genotype probabilities. Parameters ---------- bgen : bgen_file Bgen file handler. variant_idx : int Variant index. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Samples-by-alleles matrix of allele expectations. Note ---- This function supports unphased genotypes only. Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> from bgen_reader import allele_expectation, example_filepath, read_bgen >>> >>> from texttable import Texttable >>> >>> filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen") >>> >>> # Read the example. >>> bgen = read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False) >>> >>> variants = bgen["variants"] >>> samples = bgen["samples"] >>> genotype = bgen["genotype"] >>> >>> genotype = bgen["genotype"] >>> # This `compute` call will return a pandas data frame, >>> variant = variants[variants["rsid"] == "RSID_6"].compute() >>> # from which we retrieve the variant index. >>> variant_idx = variant.index.values[0] >>> print(variant) id rsid chrom pos nalleles allele_ids vaddr 4 SNPID_6 RSID_6 01 6000 2 A,G 19377 >>> genotype = bgen["genotype"] >>> # Samples is a pandas series, and we retrieve the >>> # sample index from the sample name. >>> sample_idx = samples[samples == "sample_005"].index.values[0] >>> >>> genotype = bgen["genotype"] >>> # This `compute` call will return a dictionary from which >>> # we can get the probability matrix the corresponding >>> # variant. >>> p = genotype[variant_idx].compute()["probs"][sample_idx] >>> >>> genotype = bgen["genotype"] >>> # Allele expectation makes sense for unphased genotypes only, >>> # which is the case here. >>> e = allele_expectation(bgen, variant_idx)[sample_idx] >>> >>> genotype = bgen["genotype"] >>> alleles = variant["allele_ids"].values[0].split(",") >>> >>> genotype = bgen["genotype"] >>> >>> # Print what we have got in a nice format. >>> table = Texttable() >>> table = table.add_rows( ... [ ... ["", "AA", "AG", "GG", "E[.]"], ... ["p"] + list(p) + ["na"], ... ["#" + alleles[0], 2, 1, 0, e[0]], ... ["#" + alleles[1], 0, 1, 2, e[1]], ... ] ... ) >>> print(table.draw()) +----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | | AA | AG | GG | E[.] | +====+=======+=======+=======+=======+ | p | 0.012 | 0.987 | 0.001 | na | +----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | #A | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1.011 | +----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | #G | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0.989 | +----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ """ geno = bgen["genotype"][variant_idx].compute() if geno["phased"]: raise ValueError("Allele expectation is define for unphased genotypes only.") nalleles = bgen["variants"].loc[variant_idx, "nalleles"].compute().values[0] genotypes = get_genotypes(geno["ploidy"], nalleles) expec = [] for i, genotype in enumerate(genotypes): count = asarray(genotypes_to_allele_counts(genotype), float) n = count.shape[0] expec.append((count.T * geno["probs"][i, :n]).sum(1)) return stack(expec, axis=0)